V Evropi so se vedno pojavljale bolezni, ki jih povzročajo patogeni, ki se širijo s prenašalci. Nedavno opažamo intenzivno širjenje novih prenašalcev in patogenih mikroorganizmov na območja, kjer jih prej niso poznali. Zaradi različnega reliefa in podnebnih razmer v Sloveniji lahko pričakujemo spremembe na posameznih območjih, ki vplivajo na pojavljanje prenašalcev in patogenov.

Pretekli projekt CRP V3-1903 “Vzpostavitev monitoringa prenašalcev vektorskih bolezni v Sloveniji ” je postavil standardizirane postopke za spremljanje komarjev ter pridobil ključne podatke o njihovi razširjenosti in številčnosti v državi. Monitoring je ključen za spremljanje populacij prenašalcev, to je  komarjev in klopov, ki prenašajo številne bolezni.

Projekt, ki združuje Inštitut za mikrobiologijo in imunologijo, Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, Fakulteto za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem, Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije in Kliniko za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja, se osredotoča na nadzor komarjev, klopov ter prenašane patogene. Cilji vključujejo nadzor invazivnih vrst komarjev in klopov v Sloveniji, vključno z urbanimi območji ter prepoznavanje novih patogenov ter oceno tveganja za njihov vnos in širjenje.

Sodelujoči bodo izvajali terenski monitoring komarjev in klopov, hkrati pa bodo z modernimi diagnostičnimi pristopi preučevali patogene v prenašalcih. Nadzor nad prenašalci in patogeni je ključen v spreminjajočem se okolju, ki ga zaznamujejo podnebne spremembe in človekov vpliv, saj omogoča preprečevanje širjenja bolezni, uvedbo preventivnih ukrepov in omejevanje invazivnih vrst prenašalcev.



Diseases caused by vector-borne pathogens have always been present in Europe. Recently, we have observed the intense spread of new vector species and pathogenic microorganisms in areas where they were previously unknown. Due to the variable topography and climatic conditions in Slovenia, changes are expected in individual areas, affecting the occurrence of vectors and pathogens.

In the previous project “CRP V3-1903 “Establishment of monitoring of vectors of vector-borne diseases in Slovenia”, we developed standardized procedures for surveillance of autochthonous and invasive mosquito species in Slovenia. We obtained important data on the distribution and abundance of vectors and pathogens in the country. Continued monitoring is necessary, as the data obtained will provide the basis for future surveillance of mosquito populations. In addition, it is also necessary to monitor ticks, which are important vectors of certain diseases.

The project, which will focus on the control of mosquito and tick populations in Slovenia and the pathogens they transmit. The study is interdisciplinary in nature and combines the expertise and experience of the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ljubljana, the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology of the University of Primorska, the Natural History Museum of Slovenia and the Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Febrile Illnesses, University Medical Centre Ljubljana. The goals of the project include monitoring populations of invasive and emerging mosquito and tick species in Slovenia, including in urban areas. Special attention is paid to endemic areas of the country during periods of seasonal vector activity. In addition, we are working to identify new vector-borne pathogens of importance to human health and to assess the risk of introduction and outbreak of these new pathogens.

Monitoring vector and pathogen populations is extremely important, especially in an environment that is changing due to climate change and anthropogenic influences. Such surveillance is critical for preventing the spread of vector-borne diseases, for the timely introduction of preventive measures, and for limiting the spread of invasive vector species.




01. 10. 2023 - 30. 10. 2026


akad. prof. dr. Tatjana Avšič - Županc, univ. dipl. biol., spec. medic. mikrobiol.